Saturday, August 28, 2010

tag!!! I'm it

I will learn how to be fancy and insert name and link, promise.

8 Questions tag

Step 1: answer them
Step 2: make your own 8 questions
Step 3: tag 8 bloggers

1.Would you rather be Paris Hilton or Tila Tequila's BFF?
Tila Tequila, unless she does drugs
2.Would you rather be able to hear any conversation or take back something you said?
Do overs, when I am upset, I will say some not so nice things
3.Would you rather run into your partner's ex or yours?
LOL! Been there done that. I would say my ex.
4.Would you rather shave your eye brows or shave your head?
Shave my head, then maybe I will look good in hats.
5.Would you rather go to jail for 5 years or be stranded on an island for 5 years?
Stranded in an island, I don't do well in small spaces. I don't like being told what to do either.
6.Would you rather have no makeup for a year or no shopping for a year?
No makeup. Shopping is therapy.
7.Would you rather dye your hair hot pink or bright green?
Hmmm, that's a tough one. Hot pink. Green would look moldy.
8.Would you rather marry your celebrity crush or your dream guy?
Dream guy. Hopeless romantic.

My questions:
1) What is your absolute guilty pleasure?
2) I can not leave home without...
3) Before I go to bed I always...
4) Would you rather loose your eyesight or ability to hear?
5) What I know for sure is...
6) Pepsi or Coke?
7) What is your dream car?
8) Who was your Jr. High School nemesis?

I am tagging all of you, you know who you are too...I will be on the look out.

Thank you!!! I love these tags.